Tick, Tick, Tick on the clock as we approach the end of another year and the start of a new one. I hope your new year is full of love, laughter happiness, and creativity. Happy new year to all, may you enjoy the months to come!
I love cranberry bread at the holidays. Yum. I made some for Christmas morning and it tasted magnificent. I noticed when I cut open the cranberries each has a "four leaf clover" shape to it which along with their brilliant red color makes them so unique in their charm.
Last night while decorating our Christmas tree we found a little snail who had decided to make his home in our tree. My younger sisters have promptly named him Shelly and are thinking of putting sparkles on his shell.
This morning I cut some rosemary and feverfew from the garden to make a wreath for my mom. It was very fun to make and smelled absolutely wonderful. I just intertwined the stalks, then tied them with fishing line at the end. I'm hoping it will dry nicely so we can enjoy it for a while.